Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It's Been A Long Time Coming That I Say What I Need To Say

One of these days you'll understand some of the subjects of my blogs.....maybe when I get some damn music out to you!

I know, I know. I'm trying very hard to get things done. I was also hoping that my next update would have a release date for the debut E.P. "Apathy In Overdrive" but that wasn't meant to be...yet.

With that being said, I thought you deserved an update anyways. I'm continuing to write and record and things are going very well.....Except......One day I was going to lay down some vocals, and I ended up screwing around on *Asterisk*'s Korg Electribe instead. Check it out on youtube:

I was planning on getting started on vocals yesterday as well, but I've had no voice because either 1: my sinuses, or 2: I'm getting sick. Lets hope it's number 1.

Anyways, I'll get started on more vocals soon.

For those reading this on the myspace blog, come on over to my blogspot page at and add me. I really prefer blogging on here more than I do on the space. For those reading this on blogspot, why the hell haven't you added me yet? If you don't have an account, sign up and add me! It's free..........yeeeeee.....yeeeeee, and I know how much you like free stuff!

Also, from May 29th to May 31st I'll be in Detroit for the Detroit Electronic Music Festival (DEMF)! I won't be performing but I'll be all over the place. I plan on doing video updates and picture updates throughout the whole weekend. And if you're one of those crazy robotic punks like me and you're going to DEMF, be sure to find me and say hi!

That's it for now! Talk to you at DEMF!


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Wee Bit Of An Update

Just a little update. I'm still laying down vocals for everything, and that's going fine. There's just so much you can to do vocals that it's tough to chose what you want to do for each song and not make it all sound the same. Also, there are other songs that I'm trying to figure out whether I want the whole typical verse/chorus/verse/chorus type vocals in or if I just want some here and there. Things like that. With all that being said the debut E.P. "Apathy In Overdrive" should be out this summer at some point, and the full length should be out shortly after that.

I'm also working (although not heavily to this point) on a third cd. This will be a full length but not your typical L.P. It's all instrumental and the songs are pretty short for the most part. For a bit of an example, check out Blue Stahli's "Antisleep Vol. 1" and Celldweller's "Soundtrack to the Voices in My Head". It won't be like those musically I wouldn't imagine, but it will be very similar in terms of how it's structured. I'll have some more music online soon.