Thursday, December 2, 2010

UPDATE: 12/03/10

Ah yes, the terrible year is almost over with! On to a much bigger and better year in 2011! Is it just me or do even number years always suck? Well, as some of you may know I decided to start Monochrome Circuit in 2010, so hopefully that will be at least one good thing to take out of 2010. I've been working on the debut album "The Translucent Reflection" since February, and anyone that has followed me during some of my old projects like ChaIned And Shackled ( you know I'm right on cue for my typical releasing an album a year after I started it. Pretty much ALL of the music is now done and the rest is a matter of vocals. Once I get over that HUGE hurdle (I hate my vocals) and find some cuts that I can tolerate and get it all mixed and mastered the album will be done! I was going to work with a superstar awesome freaking artist on the album cover until I remembered I'm poor. Lets just say there have been some issues this year where I've had to involuntarily spend a HUGE amount of money at once, leaving me no budget on album artwork. Therefore, it looks like I'm going to have to do it myself. Fitting though, huh? With all that being said, as long as I can find a good home for the album, it looks like it will be released EARLY early spring at the absolute latest. I would even be so bold to say that it still has a chance to be out this winter, but not until 2011. So we're getting much closer!

I've also been on a remixing binge and it gave me an idea to someday release a FREE remix album. That isn't my number one priority because I want to get this debut out, maybe a few more E.P.'s, and possibly another full length done by the time I worry about any of that, but whenever I have enough decent remixes to compile a whole album is when I'll release the free album! If I keep remixing songs at the rate I am right now, there could be one coming your way sooner than that, who knows?

That's about it for now. I'll blog soon, I promise!


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